Is Pupil Voice Really all its Cracked up to be? An analysis by Jonathan Pitt
Headmasters and Headmistresses all over the Country are jumping onto The Pupil Voice Drive. The idea of pupil voice is core to the My School and my Boarding House as it allows pupils to take an active part in the decision making of the school. However, is this a good idea? Is it working? Does it help Pupils' education? and is it not actually just a way to make pupils argumentative and rebel against a system rather than help them to assist in the growth of a school. Thankfully, I have just gone through a week where pupil voice has worked brilliantly and where I can say that without a doubt, pupil voice (when done well) is a huge asset to any pupil and any school. On Monday, we hosted Wine Society in House. When two of the 6th form first approached me about this idea, I said that we could look at it but that they would need to get permission from the Head and would need to organise it themselves. On Monday, I saw the result of their efforts and I am proud to say that th...